Electroshock therapy: Satrapi, WFAC and AH!
Quick hits worth jolting up and saying "Ack, sputter and putang!",
Sneak peek of Marjane Satrapi's award-winning graphic novel, Persepolis, ala feature animation now. The film is to be released in N.A. in the Fall of 2007 and distributed by Sony Pictures Classics. There is a production blog by Satrapi here.(thanx Cartoonbrew!)
The next jolt comes by way of this years Waterloo Festival for Animated Cinema. Go and see the list of films offered up for your viewing comsumption. There is some great stuff this year as always. The full listings will be posted, as well as the time schedule (I presume) on Nov. 1! Mark it on your calendar and be sure to book a place to stay in advance (if you're planning to go) as I was unable to get a room close by last year at the spur of the moment.
Fimfárum 2--gotta go see it!
Michel Ocelot--modern master!
And lastly, a nice short film I saw on Motionographer last week but haven't had the time to post about it. So, here is AH!, another cool CG short from our virtual pals at Supinfocom. In this instance, nos amis sont Simon Moreau, Joris Bacquet and Bastien Dubois. Voir le film et bon appetite! Just don't choke on the letters as they come out.
Official website.
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