I can't go mentioning Pascal Campion without giving a loud furball choking soundout to my good mate John Keane who introduced me to his work. Now hailing out of Ottawa, John is working on his first professional comic gig, yeah! Though as I am writing this he may already have suffered a mass hemorrhaging from the mentalness of deadlines, booo! I am positive that you will eventually see John's name on the inside page of a Batman comic so it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling to showcase him off before he becomes famous and I'll have to go to weird comic cons to see him. John puts the firecracker under me arse to start drawing so go and set fire to flame and uncork the bottle of Tittelly-poomp!
Hey, Jeff,
Thanks for the hail. Great to see Pascal dropped you a line.
Nice guy or what?
Hope your keeping well! Talk soon!
Well if you guys don't call...I just have to start writing about ya. hint hint!
Thiis is a great blog
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