A book which I picked up last year was
Julie Morstad's Milk Teeth (published through
Drawn and Quarterly's Petits Livres series). Since I have recently been afflicted with cross-hatch-itis, Julie's book feeds my ink-meth addiction. It also exposes my own milk teeth, as compared to her well-cut fangs; the latter bear a world of child-like imaginings and innocence lost. I am pretty sure the Petits Livres series is in the business of showing sampled works of artists, but it would be nice to see Julie do some sequential work. Don't get me wrong: each work is like an inked tapestry, filled with impending tales of fantastical (mis)adventures, but having Julie's own words affixed to them (or even just the wordless story) would bring to life the hypnotic surreal places that she creates. However, this is just minor floating-heads-under-the-bridge and wishful thinking on my part: I guess what I am saying is, I want more. I'm a junkie, and I will take a collected book of her beautiful illustrations any day. Speaking of fixations, I will leave you with my other addiction, Neko Case and her video Maybe Sparrow with Julie's art/animation.
oh great, way to make me cry again.
great post.
Thank you kindly for your comment =D
I love your blog long time! It's been a great source of inspiration for my film, which is going great (thank you for asking!). And I love-love Julie Morstad's work. And all the uncanny beautiful people you shine the light upon.
Thanx so much for that!
I am right across the river from ya, so when you guys screen your films give me a shout, as I would love to see them.
And Margaret, I promise I will find a film where the birds triumph in the end:)
never mind find one,...MAKE one!!! :)
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