Renee French
Bu-bunnies bunnies bunnies bunnies b-u-n-n-i-e-s!!! Okay, I got that out of my system. Welcome to the shaded world of Renee French. I am very much looking forward to getting Renee's new graphic novel, The Ticking, published by Top Shelf. Since, I haven't read it yet, I point out this review of it. I love the grey tone of her artistic style but also the grey areas that lie in between beauty, the grotesque and malformed. I first got introduced to her work when I picked up her Marbles in my Underpants for my girlfriend. I got hooked along with her. We, unfortunately, gave our copy of Marbles away to a friend and haven't been able to find another copy since. So, if anyone out there would like to sell (although I can't see why) their copy or if they have an extra they wish to part with drop me a line. Also, you can read her on-line strip Micrographica on Serializer. So keep that one creepy eye open for any of her g-novels and/or order the Ticking from your local dispenser of sequential goodness! bunnies!
1 comment:
Hello nice bloog
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